sábado, 24 de enero de 2009
jueves, 1 de enero de 2009
To the People of Bangkok, Thailand
But there is another status of life where there is no birth, death, disease, and old age. The Krishna Consciousness movement is the means for promoting the human being to that status. This is a great science, and it is elaborately explained in the Bhagavad-gita.
So our mission is to give this benediction to all humanity. Let us cooperate together on this basis so that it will be a more effective United Nations, We shall be united on the basis of the prime need of human society, spiritual life.
(His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - Mukunda mala stotra, 1, purport)
Srila Prabhupada tells stories - MP3 Audio
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01 Introduction02 Again become mouse
03 Alexander the Great
04 Arjunacarya
05 Bilvamangala Thakura
06 Birds in net
07 The Brahmana and the Cobbler
08 Can't, can't, can't
09 Cut coat tails
10 Dinabandhu dada
11 Don't live, don't die
12 Dr. Frog
13 Feeding market people
14 Gandhari, Duryodhana, Krsna
15 Ghost, ghost
16 Gladstone
17 Mahabharata
18 Stool and urine
19 Illiterate brahmana
20 Jackal king
21 King & ass
22 Krsna breaking promise
23 European, Krsna is God
24 Jayananda looks like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
25 Krsna's headache
26 Lady carrying sticks on head
27 Liquid Beauty
28 Mirabhai & Rupa Gosvami
29 Monkey and log
30 Mrgari the hunter
31 Potter
32 Radha and Krsna at Kuruksetra
33 Saksi-Gopala
34 Sanatana & Radharani
35 Scholar and the boatman
36 Shah Jahan
37 Siva, Parvati, watermelon
38 16,000 wives
39 Smearing stool
40 Savitri
41 Thief to Vrndavana
42 Vastrana-lila
43 Visvamitra Muni
44 Yogi burning finger
45 Yogi who could walk on water
46 Simply wonderful
Jesus and Christ Are Perfect—But You Follow Darwin
Srila Prabhupada: We live for seventy or eighty years, but the followers of Darwin’s theory are calculating a span of millions or even billions of years. They are calculating a span of millions, even billions, of years—and yet they will live for just seventy or eighty years. So how are they making such an incredibly vast calculation? Simply mental speculation. Simply misleading the people. An honest man should not mislead others. He should understand that his knowledge is limited. How can I put forward something that is merely my theorizing? That is not very good business.
Srila Prabhupada on Gurukula
Letter to Satsvarupa - Los Angeles 1 July, 1972
Srila Prabhupada speaks about the hare krishna children
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Satsvarupa Nairobi 9 October, 1971]
Srila Prabhupada on education
For the present you should continue going to school because education is important. Without education nobody has any social position and all our students in Krishna Consciousness are expected to be preachers. So preachers must have sufficient education because they have to meet with so many opposing elements. Education should be continued at the same time chanting should be continued. There will be no difficulty. [Letter to: Indira and Ekayani —San Francisco 17 December, 1967]
Life Comes from Life
to establish that life
is not from matter.
Matter is from life..."
No One--Not Even Darwin--Can Be Independent
What is the Value of Your Education?
Disciple: Srila Prabhupada, the
universities nowadays don’t teach any courses in the
nature of the soul.
Srila Prabhupada: Therefore, the young
person says, “What is the wrong if I become a
dog?” Because there is no education. He does not know
the difference between the dog and the human being. Therefore,
he says, “What is the wrong if I become a dog? I will
get more facility for sex without any criminal charges.”
This is the advancement of education.
Dr. Mize: How does the mind, then, come to
know that there is a soul?
Srila Prabhupada: You have to be educated.
How are these people, my students, convinced about the soul?
They have been educated by knowledge and by practice.
Everything has to be learned by being properly educated. And
therefore, the Vedic injunction is tad-
vijnanartham—”In order to know that
science”—sa gurum
evabhigacchet—”you must go to a guru, a
teacher.” So the answer is that you must go to the
teacher who can teach you how the soul is there.
Everyone should be unhappy to see others in distress
If one is unhappy to see the distress of other living beings and happy to see their happiness, his religious principles are appreciated as imperishable by exalted persons who are considered pious and benevolent.
Srila Prabhupada purport: One generally follows different types of religious principles or performs various occupational duties according to the body given to him by the modes of material nature. In this verse, however, real religious principles are explained. Everyone should be unhappy to see others in distress and happy to see others happy. Atmavat sarva-bhutesu: one should feel the happiness and distress of others as his own. It is on this basis that the Buddhist religious principle of nonviolence -- ahimsah parama-dharmah -- is established.
What was it like to meet Prabhupada?
Michael Cassidy: He was grave. He was focused. He was funny. He was an exciting man to be around. I had been in the movement for five years and had attended eight or more lectures in different temples across the country where I heard Prabhupada speak in person. But to sit and talk with him face to face about something that meant so much to me, and was so controversial in the movement, had to be the most intense experience of my life.
After Prabhupada listened to three of the demos we made, he asked "What is this for"? I told him "To convey the values and concepts of Krishna consciousness to Americans." He asked "So what's the problem"? I told him that some of the big men, the temple leaders, said it was maya (meaning it was a waste of time). He looked at me, then smiled and said, "Let the cows moo." That's when I said "So it's okay to do this"? and he said, "Do it. It will be successful."
Lover of the Lord
A beautiful song with video and words to sing along to, lets say its Krsna Karaoke.
Lover of the Lord
w/m Michael Cassidy
©2000 Mangalananda Publishing
Our first religion is to produce food grain sufficiently to feed everyone
-Conversation, Atlanta, March 1, 1975